AFP admits 'failure of intelligence' in Marawi bombing incident
AFP admits 'failure of intelligence' in Marawi bombing incident
AFP admits 'failure of intelligence' in Marawi bombing incident
by Mary Antalan07 December 2023
Photo Courtesy: AFP

The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) have admitted that there was a 'failure of intelligence' in the latest bombing incident at Mindanao State University (MSU) in Marawi City, which left four people dead.

AFP spokesperson Col. Medel Aguilar admitted in an interview that the radar does not always point to some events, such as the blowing up of MSU.

In a separate DZRH interview, Aguilar said that they are continuing to hunt for those who spread the text messages in the area before the bombing that left four people killed and 50 injured.

The spokesperson, however, insisted that it is now being investigated whether there was also a failure in accountability or how the security forces acted when they detected the text messages or threats before the explosion.

Aguilar told DZRH that until now, the new batch of messages spreading intrigue and fear after the terror attack was also being investigated.

Meanwhile, the Philippine National Police has released photos of the two suspects behind the crime.

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